Platinum Sponsor
4 Available
Investment: $15,000
+ PENTHOUSE Room in Palms Residence on site for 2 nights ($10,000 value)
+ Booth at event
+ 5 minute pitch spot during event
+ Logo & branding throughout event
+ Sponsor shoutouts on social media
(100k+ combined audience)
+ Email blast and offer to attendees
+ Featured on one of our podcasts
(Sponsors choice: Arne, Tony, Jeff)
+ 2 VIP tickets for Saturday Mastermind
+ 2 VIP tickets for Sunday party
+ Dinner for 2 with us Saturday
+ 2 tickets to the iiC VIP viewing section for the #1 show in Las Vegas - Absinthe!!
+ Luxury transportation to and from Absinthe Sat evening
+ VIP Swag Bag
+ Can buy up to 10 additional event tickets for Sunday at 50% OFF
Gold Sponsor
10 Available
Investment: $10,000
+ Booth at event
+ 3 minute pitch spot during event
+ Logo & branding throughout event
+ Sponsor shoutouts on social media
(100k+ combined audience combined)
+ Email blast and offer to attendees
+ Featured on one of our podcasts
(Sponsors choice: Arne, Tony, Jeff)
+ 2 VIP tickets for Saturday Mastermind
+ 2 VIP tickets for Sunday party
+ Dinner for 2 with us Saturday
+ 2 tickets to the iiC VIP viewing section for the #1 show in Las Vegas - Absinthe!!
+ Luxury transportation to and from Absinthe Sat evening
+ VIP Swag Bag
Silver Sponsor
20 Available
Investment $5,000
+ Logo & branding throughout event
+ Sponsor shoutouts on social media
(100k+ combined audience combined)
+ Email blast and offer to attendees
+ Featured on one of our podcasts
(Sponsors choice: Arne, Tony, Jeff)
+ 1 VIP ticket for Sunday's Superbowl Party